Writer's Group
Enjoy our collection of stories!
If you have a family history story to share, please email contact@llcgs.info for information on story submissions.
To all of those who have shared, a big "thank you" for your creative contributions. This page couldn't be here without your stories.
by Moni Usasz
by Phyllis A. Ericson
by Jim Lohmeyer
by Ruthie Briney
About how finding a photo brought back memories of a school from days past.
by D.J. Hogan
Written as his first story of the autobiography. Since D.J. is dyslexic this represents quite an accomplishment for him.
by Moni Usasz
Moni always writes her stories in poetry form.
by Virginia Miller
A timely story about the women's march of January 21, 2018
By Luella E. Marinos
By Alek Marinos
Moni Usasz
Luella E. Marinos
Richard Duncan
Alfred M. Baker (Garner)
Luella E. Marinos
Barbara Lewandowski
Moni Usasz
Phyllis A. Ericson, 2018
Luella E. Marinos
Tanna Kinnaman
Jim Lohmeyer, October 5, 2018
Richard Duncan
Phyllis A. Ericson, August 2018