To the Lincoln-Lancaster County Genealogical Society!
Our mission:  Preserve the Past for Future Generations.
We are a volunteer organization dedicated to promoting genealogy,
engaging members, and preserving records. Whether you have Lancaster
County connections or not, join us as you explore your family history.
Genealogy Library Hours
 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 1-3 p.m. 
If you are visiting the area, please stop in and see us.
Non-members welcome!
Contact: library@llcgs.info  or call 531-249-5939 
2900 'O' Street, Lower Level
If the Lincoln Public Schools are closed due to weather,
the library will also be closed.

MEMBERSHIP Dues Highlights
To become a member or retain membership with LLCGS the following applies:
Member(one person) - $20
Family/Household (more than one person at residence) - $25
Payment can be made by check or by PayPal(payment with PayPal will include
ecommerce fees).
Current members will receive a reminder email from Sinda Dux, our VP for
Membership, prior to the month of the anniversary date so they can pay their dues
on time.
If you want to become a new member, please go to the Membership menu option
on the left side of this page.  When the new window opens, below Membership
on the left will be four options:
Join Online, Renew Online, Join by Mail and Renew by Mail. 
Questions can be forwarded to (duxs2001@yahoo.com or contact@llcgs.info ).
As a volunteer organization, we are dependent on membership dues and donations
for our sustainability and you are always welcome to make a donation to the Society.  
This can be done through Paypal by choosing the “Donate” button at the bottom of
this page or you can send a check to LLCGS, 2900 "O" Street, Suite LL2, Lincoln, NE  68510-1485.

Go To Library Information Menu For Updated Message

If you are making an ONLINE DONATION to LLCGS, you may wish to
cover associated fees with this kind of transaction.  Using PayPal to donate,
fees include a fixed cost of $.49 and a percentage of the donated amount at
1.99%.  For example if you wish to donate $10 to LLCGS, consider making your
online transaction $10.70.  This ensures LLCGS receives the full $10 amount
for about the added cost of a first class postage stamp.
Other donation upside calculations as a helpful tool:
$20 - $20.91
$25 - $26.01
$30 - $36.21
$40 - $41.31
 Donate to LLCGS  

Check Out Our Visitor Map
  Locations of visitors to this page  

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Upcoming Events
Sunday, Feb. 16th
February Quarterly Meeting
Membership quarterly meeting is at 2 p.m. Some exciting opportunities are coming up in the next year including the our six-week classes at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute through UNL, 50th Anniversary of LLCGS, the 250th year of  the issuing of the Declaration of Independence, a need for a nominating ...
Friday, Feb. 21st
National Genealogical Society offers GenTech Toolbox
NGS offers a four-part series on using digital tools for your family research. There is a cost and details are at the link below. The first session is  Utilizing FamilySearch Full Text Search to Its Fullest Learn, practice, and apply a thorough understanding of FamilySearch’s groundbreaking full-text search feature. ...
Sunday, Feb. 23rd
Who Were Your Ancestors in British Colonial America?
Led by Phyllis Ericson, this group welcomes both beginners and experienced researchers. In this session, we will explore our ancestors’ lives in the British Colonies before the Revolutionary War. We’ll discuss how to find them in colonial records and share what we know about our early colonists in the ...
Friday, Feb. 28th
Time Travelers Writing Group
Join us as we celebrate Ruthie's 99th Birthday!!            Note: Change in Time and Meeting Place Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"         Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?        This group meets twice monthly to share ...
Saturday, Mar. 1st
Discover Your Roots Session 7: Is It True?
Whether you are new to genealogy, or a seasoned researcher, these topics are for you!  After finding a lot of historical materials, it is important to judge the reliability of the information used to construct an accurate family tree.  The Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) helps assess the quality of the source, ...
Saturday, Mar. 8th
Genealogy Day Fair
The FREE event is open to all members of the public and offers a unique opportunity for individuals interested in exploring their family and community history.  Attendees will be able to learn about services and contact information from numerous groups located in one large room at the same time.  ...