Society Projects

Ongoing Projects
Project Description Leader Status
Obituaries Adding obituaries to Lancaster County cemeteries on Find-A-Grave Mike George, Cindy Cochran, Teresa Sullivan Ongoing
Shared Photos Members share historical and ancestral photos. Susie Dunn Ongoing
LLCGS Records Scanning all the society's archived records for cloud storage.
Sinda Dux, Judi Cook, Al Harlow
LT&T Newsletters Scanning of newsletters from 1915 to 1993
Nancy Eckles
Al Harlow
Recipe Books Indexing names of contributors Sinda Dux, Cindy Cochran Ongoing
Cemetery Updates Lancaster County cemeteries - comparing information from LLCGS books, reading gravestones, updating on Find-A-Grave Judi Cook, Mike George, Sinda Dux, Sheila Spath, Loren & Rita Lindahl, Rianne Schroeder Ongoing
Brown & Doyle
Mortuary Records
Upgrading, expanding information on spreadsheet Eva Bachman, Jenny Watton, Becky Martin Complete
LT&T Minute Books Creating index of names on spreadsheet; vol. 1 complete Nancy Eckles Ongoing
Photo Albums Scanning labeled photos and uploading to Find-A-Grave Tom Ryan
Neighborhood Oral History
Transcribing and preserving audio tapes from Lincoln's Neighborhood Oral History Project 1979-1981 (Humanities Nebraska). Supported in part by a grant from the Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation. Matt Steinhausen, Sinda Dux, Judi Cook, Cindy Cochran, Claudia Severin Ongoing