Sunday, February 16
February Quarterly Meeting (LLCGS Quarterly Meeting)
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm 2900 O Street - Lower Level, Lincoln, NE
Membership quarterly meeting is at 2 p.m.
Some exciting opportunities are coming up in the next year including the our six-week classes at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute through UNL, 50th Anniversary of LLCGS, the 250th year of the issuing of the Declaration of Independence, a need for a nominating committee and an awards committee.
The program for today will be "New Ancestry DNA ProTools" by Teresa Shane. The new roll-out of uses for AncestryDNA through their ProTools subscription allows a user to sort matches and identify family members. Teresa will show us how she uses it to build family trees for test takers and save time.
If you are not attending in person, register with this link for the Zoom session:
Friday, February 21 through Friday, February 21
National Genealogical Society offers GenTech Toolbox (COURTESY POSTING)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Zoom only
NGS offers a four-part series on using digital tools for your family research. There is a cost and details are at the link below.
The first session is
Utilizing FamilySearch Full Text Search to Its Fullest
Learn, practice, and apply a thorough understanding of FamilySearch’s groundbreaking full-text search feature. As time permits, topics may include basic operation, advanced search tips, narrowing results, citations, accessing via the catalog, pre-emancipation research, A.I. and translations, and resources.
Toolmaster: Robert Raymond
Sunday, February 23
Who Were Your Ancestors in British Colonial America? (British Interest Group)
2:00 pm Zoom Only - Pre-Registration Required
Led by Phyllis Ericson, this group welcomes both beginners and experienced researchers.
In this session, we will explore our ancestors’ lives in the British Colonies before the Revolutionary War. We’ll discuss how to find them in colonial records and share what we know about our early colonists in the 1700s.
This Zoom-only session encourages sharing and learning together. Register now and get the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Friday, February 28
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 11:30 am "Celebration Room" at South Lake Village, 9401 Andermatt Drive, Lincoln NE
Join us as we celebrate Ruthie's 99th Birthday!!
Note: Change in Time and Meeting Place
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome. |
Saturday, March 1
Discover Your Roots Session 7: Is It True? (Educational Opportunities)
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm Zoom and In Person @ LLCGS Library, Lower Level, 2900 O Street
Whether you are new to genealogy, or a seasoned researcher, these topics are for you! After finding a lot of historical materials, it is important to judge the reliability of the information used to construct an accurate family tree. The Genealogical Proof Standard (GPS) helps assess the quality of the source, the information obtained, and the evidence to answer our genealogical question.
For Everyone. Open to the Public.
Saturday, March 8
Genealogy Day Fair (Educational Opportunities)
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm LLCGS 2900 O Street Lower Level
The FREE event is open to all members of the public and offers a unique opportunity for individuals interested in exploring their family and community history. Attendees will be able to learn about services and contact information from numerous groups located in one large room at the same time. Registration for you, any friends or family who may be interested can be completed by emailing Becky Martin at thelatest@llcgs.info.
The Genealogy Fair will feature displays from local Nebraska providers of research information and resources, offering attendees a chance to learn about genealogical resources in our area. In addition to exploring in-house and online resources, attendees will have the opportunity to purchase resource books and materials.
Light refreshments will be available. For additional information or questions, email thelatest@llcgs.info
We’ll keep updating the listing below as groups confirm their participation at the Fair.
Family Search LDS (Lincoln)
Great Plains Welsh Heritage Center (Wymore)
Denton Community Historical Society (Denton)
Jewish Heritage Center (Omaha)
Nebraska State Historical Society Foundation (Lincoln)
Saunders County Genealogy Society
Saunders County Museum (Wahoo)
Researching in Courthouses (LLCGS)
Nebraska Czechs of Lincoln
Nebraska State Genealogical Society
Researching your House History (LLCGS)
Tuesday, March 11 through Tuesday, March 11
OLLI Genealogy Class (Educational Opportunities)
LLGCS members are teaching an OLLI genealogy course which will be on Wednesdays beginning March 26th at 11 a.m. for 6 weeks. Sign up for all OLLI spring courses begins on Monday, March 11th. If you aren't an OLLI member, you will need to be one before registering for our class. We have heard the classes fill up quickly. For more information:
Thursday, March 13
Family Tree Maker Discussion Group (Family Tree Maker Int. Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
LLCGS' Bob McQuistan is hosting an FTM session, which will include a short presentation followed by discussion and questions. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to programs@llcgs.info.
Register in advance for this session by clicking on the link: FTM Session
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Friday, March 14
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Sunday, March 16
Courthouse Research (LLCGS Event)
2:00 pm Zoom and In Person @ LLCGS Library, Lower Level, 2900 O St., Lincoln NE
Jenny Watton will share her tips and tricks for courthouse research. This presentation will show what court records are available and how they can help your family research. Open to the public. If attending by Zoom: Zoom Registration
Friday, March 28
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Tuesday, April 8
German Research Special Interest Group (LLCGS Event)
7:00 pm Online
Welcome German researchers! Join our discussion group via Zoom with your questions and experience.
Topic: TBD
Friday, April 11
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Thursday, April 24
Crossing the Pond. Where did Your Ancestors Live? (Nordic Interest Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
Join us for insights and research tips with Phyllis Ericson! Whether you're a beginner or experienced, this supportive group will share valuable research experiences.
In this session, we'll use photos, maps, and documents to pinpoint our immigrant ancestors’ county and parish of origin. This is a Zoom-only session. Register now and receive the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Friday, April 25
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Friday, May 9
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Sunday, May 11
The Great Migration (British Interest Group)
2:00 pm Zoom Only - Pre-Registration Required
Led by Phyllis Ericson, this group welcomes both beginners and experienced researchers.
In this session, we will discover why and how the first British colonists came to America in the 1600s. We’ll consider their motivations, challenges, and connections to their homeland.
This Zoom-only session encourages sharing and learning together. Register now and get the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday, May 15
Family Tree Maker Discussion Group (Family Tree Maker Int. Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
LLCGS' Bob McQuistan is hosting an FTM session, which will include a short presentation followed by discussion and questions. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to programs@llcgs.info.
Register in advance for this session by clicking on the link: FTM Session
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Sunday, May 18
Member Quarterly Meeting (LLCGS Quarterly Meeting)
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm 2900
Member meeting with program to be announced |
Friday, May 23
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Tuesday, June 3
German Research Special Interest Group (LLCGS Event)
7:00 pm Online
Welcome German researchers! Join our discussion group via Zoom with your questions and experience.
Topic: TBD
Friday, June 13
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Friday, June 27
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Thursday, July 10
Family Tree Maker Discussion Group (Family Tree Maker Int. Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
LLCGS' Bob McQuistan is hosting an FTM session, which will include a short presentation followed by discussion and questions. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to programs@llcgs.info.
Register in advance for this session by clicking on the link: FTM Session
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Friday, July 11
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Thursday, July 24
Deciphering Nordic Records (Nordic Interest Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
Join us for insights and research tips with Phyllis Ericson! Whether you're a beginner or experienced, this supportive group will share valuable research experiences.
In this session, we'll tackle the challenge of foreign-language records with tools like Google Translate and AI to make researching Nordic ancestors easier. This is a Zoom-only session. Register now and receive the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |
Friday, July 25
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Tuesday, August 5
German Research Special Interest Group (LLCGS Event)
7:00 pm Online
Welcome German researchers! Join our discussion group via Zoom with your questions and experience.
Topic: TBD
Friday, August 8
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Sunday, August 17
Member Quarterly Meeting (LLCGS Quarterly Meeting)
2:00 pm to 3:30 pm 2900
Member meeting.
New officers will be installed.
Friday, August 22
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Sunday, August 24
Those Who Served – Our Ancestors and the Colonial Wars (British Interest Group)
2:00 pm Zoom Only - Pre-Registration Required
Led by Phyllis Ericson, this group welcomes both beginners and experienced researchers.
In this session, we will learn about our ancestors' involvement in the Colonial Wars. We’ll explore how these conflicts may have affected their lives and research methods to trace them.
This Zoom-only session encourages sharing and learning together. Register now and get the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday, September 11
Family Tree Maker Discussion Group (Family Tree Maker Int. Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
LLCGS' Bob McQuistan is hosting an FTM session, which will include a short presentation followed by discussion and questions. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to programs@llcgs.info.
Register in advance for this session by clicking on the link: FTM Session
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Friday, September 12
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Thursday, September 25
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Tuesday, October 7
German Research Special Interest Group (LLCGS Event)
7:00 pm Online
Welcome German researchers! Join our discussion group via Zoom with your questions and experience.
Topid: TBD
Friday, October 10
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Thursday, October 23
Leave a Legacy (Nordic Interest Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
Join us for insights and research tips with Phyllis Ericson! Whether you're a beginner or experienced, this supportive group will share valuable research experiences.
In this session, we'll learn the advantages of writing your ancestor's story as you research. We'll create a meaningful story about your ancestors from just one record to preserve for future generations. This is a Zoom-only session. Register now and receive the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. |
Friday, October 24
Time Travelers Writing Group (Discussion Group)
10:00 am to 12:00 pm College View Church, 4801 Prescott Ave, Lincoln, NE, Church Board Room
Writing "Memories into Memoirs for Posterity"
Are you interested in writing your memoirs or your ancestor’s stories?
This group meets twice monthly to share their short stories.
New members welcome.
Sunday, November 9
Those Who Served – Our Ancestors and the Revolutionary War (British Interest Group)
2:00 pm Zoom Only - Pre-Registration Required
Led by Phyllis Ericson, this group welcomes both beginners and experienced researchers.
In this session, we will explore Revolutionary War records to uncover the stories of our ancestors, whether Patriots, Loyalists, Pacificists, and others, and the war’s impact on their lives.
This Zoom-only session encourages sharing and learning together. Register now and get the details for joining by clicking this link: Register Here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thursday, November 13
Family Tree Maker Discussion Group (Family Tree Maker Int. Group)
10:00 am Zoom Virtual Session
LLCGS' Bob McQuistan is hosting an FTM session, which will include a short presentation followed by discussion and questions. Questions can be submitted ahead of time to programs@llcgs.info.
Register in advance for this session by clicking on the link: FTM Session
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Tuesday, December 2
German Research Special Interest Group (LLCGS Event)
7:00 pm Online
Welcome German researchers! Join our discussion group via Zoom with your questions and experience.
Topic: TBD